E-Bike Subsidy Program

Applications are closed at this time, complete the interest survey to stay up-to-date!

2024 Applicants: Unused subsidies are being redistributed to the next eligible applicants on the waitlist. 

Check application status here.

Columbus’ Resident E-Bike (Electric Bike) Subsidy Program offers a small number of discounts to qualifying Columbus residents in order to make e-bikes more affordable to more people. Those who receive a subsidy can purchase an e-bike from a participating local bike shop.

Smart Columbus, on behalf of Columbus City Council, launched a small-scale, short-term experimental pilot program in July of 2023 to help Columbus learn and make decisions about longer term and larger scale programming. The response to the program demonstrated Columbus’ demand and excitement for e-bikes, resulting in the pilot’s expansion in December of 2023. 

After evaluation of the pilot, further funding was invested in the program under the leadership of Council President Shannon Hardin and Councilmember Barroso de Padilla, allowing for more Columbus residents to receive more subsidies in 2024.

Impact to Residents

E-Bike subsidies redeemed by Columbus residents since 2023

3 out of 4 subsidy recipients participate in qualifying benefits programs or have a household income of under $74,000/year

Of program funding has gone directly to e-bike subsidies.

Would not have purchased an e-bike without the subsidy. 91% found the out-of-pocket expense to be affordable.

  • The majority of surveyed subsidy recipients use their e-bikes for transportation, not solely for recreation.

    “Since I don't drive, I am able to go out on my own without waiting for a ride, which makes it easier to run errands and pick up groceries. I no longer have to wait for someone to drive me places. This is most useful when I need medication right away. I can not walk long distances and use the pedal boost constantly, so this bike is fantastic.”

  • 48% use their e-bikes to travel to work and 63% reported that e-bike ownership has increased or somewhat increased access to work opportunities.

    “My e-bike helps me to get to work and run errands. I also use it to get out of the house. I can go farther out into the city and explore different surroundings that I might have never seen before. My friends and I can go on small group bike rides and just enjoy time together.”

  • For some residents who do not own a vehicle, e-bikes allow for greater convenience, flexibility and freedom.

    “As with owning a vehicle, the greatest benefit of e-bike ownership is the freedom of transportation.”

  • 85% are replacing car trips with e-bike trips, which includes taxi and ride-share, with some doing this out of necessity after their personal vehicle becomes unusable.

    “About a month after buying my e-bike, my car ended up breaking down. So now my e-bike is my primary source to get to work. I've been using it all throughout the winter.”

  • For those with disabilities or physical limitations, an e-bike can provide newfound access to exercise and amenities that were previously unattainable.

    “It’s huge because I’ve been able to go way further than I can any other way. I’m so excited because I’ve been able to do things that I haven’t done in 10-20 years. I went on a 15 minute bike ride with my son. We had so much fun and I’ve never been able to do that with him.”

Ride Smart!

E-bike use comes with risks. Learn how to better protect yourself on the road by viewing our safety resources.

Express Interest + Share Feedback

To help us design a program that better meets the needs and expectations of Columbus residents, please complete the General Interest Survey. By completing the survey, you will be notified of any future application openings.

To share feedback on the program, for what is working well and what can be improved upon, please fill out this feedback form.

Frequently Asked Questions

  • What is an e-bike and what are the benefits of riding one?

    An electric bike, or e-bike, is a bicycle with an integrated battery and a small electric motor to assist you in pedaling faster and farther. The E-bikes in this program use rechargeable batteries and can travel up to 20 m.p.h. 

    When you use an e-bike to get around, you can: 

    • Save thousands of dollars annually on fuel and maintenance in comparison to owning and operating a car.

    • Arrive at work and other destinations less sweaty and less tired. 

    • Travel longer and further distances while enjoying the freedom, flexibility, and fun that e-bikes offer!

    Why are e-bikes expensive?

    E-bikes are incredible machines with an integrated electric motor that provide a new form of transportation that can shorten your commute and in many cases replace a car. For this reason, e-bikes are expensive. Columbus City Council offered this program in order to reduce the cost of e-bike purchases and make them more affordable for Columbus residents.

  • Who is eligible to receive a subsidy?

    • Residents in the City of Columbus

    • Aged 18 and above

    • Household income of less than $150,000 per year.

    Subsidy amounts depend on income level. Those who participate in qualifying programs (such as SNAP or Medicaid) will receive the highest subsidy amounts. 

    How many subsidies were available and what were the incentive amounts during the pilot program?

    In the first three phases of the program, 550 subsidies were redeemed by Columbus residents.

    Subsidies ranged from $500-1,400 and depended on household income. There were also a very limited number of additional subsidies for cargo e-bikes. Subsidy amounts increased in the third phase of the program.

    Why can I only purchase an e-bike from a brick-and-mortar retailer within the City of Columbus?

    The program continues to prioritize the ability to manage e-bike quality and to ensure that e-bikes purchased through the program can be brought in for maintenance at a nearby location. This limitation also supports the local economy and small business-owners.

    Why is the program so small? Why don’t you provide more funds so more people can receive an subsidy?

    Although the pilot has finished, the program is still in its early phases and is being tested to understand its effectiveness and potential for long-term investment.

    If you would like to share more feedback about your experience, please submit your comments by completing the interest form or feedback form on the program website.

    What are the e-bike qualifications?

    • New

    • Class 1, 2 or 3

    • Minimum retail cost of $999 (e-bikes below $999 are not eligible for this program)

    • Purchased in-person at one of the participating shops

  • Why wasn’t I selected to receive a subsidy?

    Each time the application has opened, we received over 10 times the number of applications to the program than we had subsidies to provide. If you did not receive an subsidy during this pilot phase it is most likely due to insufficient funding.

    Other reasons for not receiving an subsidy includes:

    • Household income is over the maximum limit of $150,000 per year.

    • The address you provided is not within Columbus City limits.

    • Duplicate application.

    • Applicant is under the age of 18.

    • Name does not match the name on uploaded documents.

    • Address on the residency verification document does not match the address provided on application.

    • Incorrect or insufficient documentation (i.e. no date on Qualifying Program documentation)

    • Documents are blurry or unreadable.

    What was the selection process like ?

    During round three, the program implemented a lottery system to provide all residents with an equal opportunity to receive a subsidy. This approach is adopted by other communities, such as the city of Atlanta.

    Subsidies were pre-distributed across three main tiers, with the most subsidies allocated to the tier that includes those who participate in qualifying programs or have household incomes under $49,000.

    Why did it take so long to receive notification about my application being approved or declined?

    As future funding is yet to be determined, we keep the waitlist open in order to distribute more subsidies if funding becomes available.

  • Are there plans to expand the pilot program? If so, when?

    The pilot program concluded after two phases of funding were allocated to the program. Demand for e-bike subsidies and effectiveness of the program were confirmed. The program has continued into 2024, allowing approximately 350 residents to have access to a reliable and affordable form of transportation.

    What other initiatives or projects are in the pipeline to support bike culture and safety in Columbus?

    Columbus’ Resident E-Bike Subsidy Program is part of a larger effort by Columbus City Council to create a behavior and culture shift throughout the community to support alternative modes of transportation. These initiatives include Bike Plus, Link Us, Columbus Bikeways and Micro-Mobility Plan, and Multi-Modal Mobility Hubs.